Funeral arrangements

Created by Jo 14 years ago
Andy's funeral will begin with a memorial service at Corby Village Community Centre at 11.30am on Monday 18th January 2010. This will be followed by green burial at Rothwell Cemetery at approximately 1.15pm. - if possible please let us know if you are considering coming to some or all of the funeral - seating at CVCC will be restricted to 100; anyone else will need to sit on cushions at the front or stand at the back or the sides. If you have one of those folding seat things you might like to bring it. - Andy didn't like the environmental consequences of most bought flowers (imported and/or grown with pesticides) and that's why we're asking people not to send flowers. But at the burial, there will be an opportunity for everyone to toss a flower head or other small natural object into the grave as a farewell token to Andy. Bring your own flower (or any biodegradable memento), or use the ones we will have available on the day. - Also, as a practical man, Andy would have preferred the money to be spent in ways to improve the lives of others. For anyone wishing to make a gift, we suggest one of two charities. The first is Cransley Hospice, and the second is Trees for Life. There is another page in this section suggesting how you can donate. - You can wear whatever you like to the funeral! Andy's preference was for bright colours, but if you like the ceremonial aspect of traditional funeral wear, that's okay too. - The burial at Rothwell Cemetery is open to all and you are welcome to attend or not as you wish. However, please bear in mind that the site is at the top of a hill and not easily accessible to those with restricted mobility. It is also likely to be VERY COLD so do dress accordingly. - This is rather interfering of me, but bearing in mind that the funeral runs from 11.30 till about 2, those accustomed to an early lunch might like to make sure they've had a decent elevenses... - There will be a bit of a do afterwards at Benels, a private club on Victoria Street in Desborough. There will be a buffet (one of the reasons we'd like to get an idea of numbers in advance) and a bar. Bring along any old photos of Andy that you have. - If you are coming some distance and need somewhere to stay before or after the funeral, consider the following hotels: The Rothwell House Hotel, the Travel Plaza just outside Desborough, and the Hampton by Hilton hotel in Corby.